21 February 2007

Sam Harris and Reza Aslan Debate

I do think that Sam Harris is right in arguing that moderate religious believers often provide cover for their less moderate co-adherants.

Addendum: I just realized that I forgot to provide a link to the debate. Many apologies.


Anonymous said...

You probably also can think of instances where we've seen this happen. For example, over at H&R.

One comment about "ID" from someone was that he was in favor of it, as teaching it "pisses off liberals" (paraphrase).

Offline there are a few other suspicions...

Do you think this is a general characteristic - that people will defend their positions, even if it means giving cover for more extreme varieties of their views?

Can you think of, say, libertarian behavior - stuff we see at H&R or Grylliade where this reflex comes into play?


Grotius said...

The question would be how much slack are people given for their religious views versus their political views?

Anonymous said...

Yes - that and what they're willing to tolerate to keep their views supported.

Anonymous said...

Crap. That was me.

Grotius said...


BTW, is it easy to comment at this site?

Anonymous said...

Hi Gro!

It is easy to post here!
