05 March 2007

New Books

Jed Rubenfeld, Freedom and Time: A Theory Of Constitutional Self-Government

Max Pohlenz, Freedom In Greek Life And Thought: The History Of An Ideal


Unknown said...

If you have the wherewithal to post a review (maybe on Amazon?) of Freedom and Time, that would be way excellent.

Grotius said...

Well, it will likely be a week or so before I read it, but sure.

Unknown said...

You read books like I eat Doritos. I last started a book six months ago. So one week or one decade, I'll be happy with whatever feedback you provide. :)

Grotius said...

What sparked your interest in the book, BTW?

Unknown said...

Constitutional law is my biggest intellectual hobby (which, unfortunately, isn't saying a whole lot). If I was independently wealthy, I'd go to law school just to have an excuse to study it in depth. So any books related to the topic pique my interest.

Grotius said...

