01 March 2007


Assuming that you read my blog, I thought that you'd like to listen to this discussion about Lolita between Monica Greenleaf and Robert Harrison (two professors at Stanford).


Anonymous said...

This could be cross-posted elsewhere, Tu sais (cue evil laughter)

I'll return if you do


Grotius said...

You mean gyrilliade?

I have no plans to return there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for directing me to this, Grotius. I just listened to the podcast, and I thought both Monica Greenleaf and Robert Harrison had interesting points to make about the story. Have you listened to it?

I can't say anything profound about Lolita myself because it's been a few years since I've read it. I definately need to reread it, though, since I think this discussion might assist me next time around. Thanks again!

Grotius said...


Yeah, I listened to it.

Anyway, I thought that it would be helpful, enlightening, etc. in light of our earlier discussion. It was for me. Especially the context in which it was written - namely Nabokov's life.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Grotius said...

Er, I just re-read my last post.

What I meant to write is that much of the commentary described the context in which the novel was written, and that was helpful by itself.