29 April 2007

The New Strategy In Iraq

Can someone please explain to me what the "new strategy" in Iraq consists of?



Anonymous said...

You mean the surge? The President has said several times that for him, victory means not being the one to bring troops home. The "new strategy" consists of keeping people looking elsewhere until 2008 when the election happens. By "adding" 10,000 troops, they'll be able to accuse the Democrats of being defeatist when they point out that 10,000 troops won't make a difference.

Grotius said...

Surely what they've argued for on paper is more than just an increase in troop levels.

Anonymous said...

Nope. They say that putting in 8-10,000 more troops would pacify Baghdad, miraculously causing sectarian violence to wane and allowing the woefully under-trained or hideously corrupt or both Iraqi police, army and government to take over patrols and well, governing. If they can keep the media and "moderates" in the government saying "Six more months" repeatedly, (as they've been for the past two years) then they hope to keep going indefinitely.

Grotius said...


Did you see the Frontline episode on the "Gangs of Iraq?"

Anonymous said...

I watched part of it, but I had to go to class. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it this weekend. Pretty disheartening stuff.

highnumber said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it this weekend. Pretty disheartening stuff.
